Wimbledon Choral Society
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Other events and opportunities available for members

Listed below are some other events, workshops, etc that may be of interest to members.   Please note that the details and associated documents are as supplied to us and all enquiries about any of the events listed here should be directed to the hosting organisation and not to Wimbledon Choral.

For other concerts that may be of interest to you then please click here for a selection of those that have been sent to us.
Title Detail Further Information
Longer serving members may recall some of us singing at Wembley Stadium for the Rugby League Challenge Cup Finals 15 or so years ago.  Seems like they're looking for extra singers for the equivalent this year.   See right for further information if you fancy it. Further information
Our good friends in the City of London Sinfonia are holding a special Come-and-Sing event on Good Friday (18 April) in London.  Please note that this is not a typical workshop-based event but a performance-only one so you will need to have learnt the works beforehand - they are Vivaldi Gloria and Handel Coronation Anthems. Further information and booking
Kingston-based Rose Opera is looking for singers interested in joining them for a fully-staged performance of Cavalleria Rusticana and Pagliacci in late May/early June.  Rehearsals are at the weekends so won't clash with WCS.   See right for further details. Further information
Former WCS MD, Neil Ferris, is now the Festival Conductor for the Leith Hill Music Festival.   The next performance will be of Messiah on Sunday 9th March, in which WCS members would be welcome to sing.  Rehearsals are on either Saturdays or Sundays for most weekends from mid-January starting 18th January.  Both rehearsals and the performance will be at the Dorking Halls. Further information and booking
(Click on Buy Singer Tickets)
Putney Music is a forum where members and visitors can meet internationally renowned musicians in an informal setting.  Their meetings provide a rare opportunity to learn how great musicians approach their work, and to hear about the private person behind the public image.  They have a full programme for the 2024/25 season.   See the link to the right for more details. Further information 
  London-based organiser of one-day workshops throughout the year in and around Battersea.   Further details of these events can be found via the link on the right.  It has also recently established a Wimbledon-based choir for boys. Further details
Wide choice of courses for singers of mixed experience with a diverse selection of venues and destinations.  The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed, and the weeks/weekends are very well organised.  Amongst the venues for 2025 are Salisbury, Uppsala, Braga, Cappadoccia, Ghent, Assisi, Lincoln, Cambridge, Venice, Parma and Dresden.  Music directors include respected musicians like Peter North, Jeremy Jackman, Rory McCleery, David Ogden, Patrick Craig, David Skinner and Neil Ferris.  Highly recommended.

Further details and booking info


Has been running choral courses around Europe since 1998, and in recent years has added photography, guitar and secular music holidays to their programme.   Venues are always in spectacular locations.  For 2025 this is in a spectacular venue in northern Portugal.   Since 2017 the Music Director has been Neil Ferris, with Michael Higgins as accompanist.  Also highly recommended. Further details and booking info
Again for 2025, Bob Porter and his crew are offering the Brandenburg Choral Cruise.  2025's itinerary (27 May - 3 June) is a journey around the Cote d'Azur - Cinque Terre - Italian Islands on board the Vasco da Gama. Further details
Antico Borgo La Torre Maybe Tuscany is a draw for you, in which case a choral course run by Amy Bebbington in the splendid surroundings of Antico Borgo la Torre just south-east of Florence may appeal.   Dates are 2 June -5 July 2025.   Further details and booking info 

The Lacock Courses is another organisation that offers singing courses both in the UK and abroad - they are aimed at 'good' singers.  Amongst the offerings in 2025 are courses based in Monteconero (Italy), Granada, Tenby and Skipton. Further details
  For those who would prefer a choral holiday with a mix of singing in a chamber choir and in a large chorus in the same week then the Chester Choral Week could be for you.  It is the largest single week choral course in the UK.  Since 2019 it has been based at Chester University, having been formerly the Cranleigh Choral Week (Cranleigh School) and the Harrogate Choral Week (Harrogate Ladies College). Further details and booking info

Other concerts that may be of interest

Please note that the details and associated documents are as supplied to us and all enquiries about any of the events listed here should be directed to the promoting organisation and not to WCS.

Date Who Further Information or Ticket Sales
28 March 2025 Goldsmiths Choral Union Hymns of Paradise with music by:
Brahms, Haydn, Howells and Dyson
Further details
29 March 2025 Fulham & Hammersmith Ch. Soc. Spring Concert with music by:
Handel (Messiah Pt II), Bach (Easter Oratorio)
Further details 

Other local choirs

London is awash with choirs and choral societies, which is fantastic for singers to find the right one to suit their individual preferences.  Here's a list of some of our neighbouring organisations and we wish them all well in our shared endeavours and objectives of bringing and educating the public in the art of singing (choral singing in particular) and the vast repertoire that it commands.

Name Website
Academy Choir www.academychoirwimbledon.co.uk
Colliers Wood Chorus www.collierswoodchorus.org.uk 
Eclipse Choir  www.eclipsechoir.com
Festival Chorus www.festivalchorus.co.uk
Hill Singers www.hillsingers.co.uk
Putney Choral Society www.putneychoralsoc.org.uk 
Singology (Wimbledon) www.singologychoir.com/wimbledon
West Barnes Singers  www.westbarnessingers.co.uk 
Wimbledon Chamber Choir www.wimbledonchamberchoir.org.uk
Wimbledon Community Chorus  www.wimbledoncommunitychorus.org.uk
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